Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Pre-Emptive First Impressions

This is my first post of 2009, so here’s to a good year ahead for all of us!

Thinking about this topic is a little bit strange because, as of now, there seems to be no structure to our plans for the program, nor have we really introduced any concrete ideas for said plans. Of course, I also understand that much of this will be ironed out during the lunch meeting. So for now, I will just speak about my theoretical plans for the program and what it might look like, if indeed my idea of structure is what the rest of the cohort desires as well.

Because I don’t wish to be mauled by a large group of unruly adolescents or start my own backroom fight club like David, I feel that both myself and the children participating would stand to gain more if I was accompanied by at least one other member of the cohort. The only problem this creates, as I have previously expressed, is one of accountability. I want to be in a group with someone whom I know will be in attendance unless it is absolutely necessary that they not be. But each group need not only be two people and we don’t necessarily even have to split up into groups. I just want to know that when I attend, the others who are assigned to show up will also be in attendance.

I really have no preference to the issue of the number of students with which we will be working, but I am sure I will form a strong opinion by the end of lunch tomorrow after listening to what I am sure will two completely different standpoints on the matter. I do see how working with one child might give a person a chance to form a close relationship with that child; but on the other hand, if I am working with a group, then I am allowed to interact closely with a larger number of kids. Also, regarding the amount of time that I am willing to devote to this area of my life, I feel that I could give up no more than 2 ½ hours every week. I would imagine that if, as an entire group, we only visited the club once a week, then it would most definitely have to be for an extended period of time during the late afternoon. If we do decide to split up into groups, then the time can be shorter and scheduled on days and at times that best fit the schedules of those in the group.

We are assuming a large amount of responsibility in undertaking this project. We will be working with the children of Georgetown and hopefully, if nothing more, ensuring that they have a fun time after school. I value structure and preparedness when I enter into any situation, but as this is one which has the potential to impact the relationship between the university and the community, I think that our cohort should take extra care to make our civic engagement project a success. I have high hopes for the program, but I can also see where it might fail because of over-ambitious plans, which are not followed by action. There’s my little self-help/productivity nugget of wisdom for the day. Hope it is enjoyed!

'Til we meet again,

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