Friday, September 5, 2008

What I expect from Paideia

So, this blog is late. I know. And I don't really know why, because I intended to do it, but time got away from me. So, there is my explanation (or lack thereof). 

Paideia is a tricky class in which for me to outline my expectations because the class itself doesn't really have any. That is, other than the goals which the SU sets for everyone who attends the university: broadening the mind, trying new things, engaging oneself with peers and professors, etc. But, Paideia seems to be more (at least on the surface). When I think about where I want to be in 3 years and what I want to have accomplished during that time, the Paideia program seems to encompass many of my goals. I want to study abroad, Paideia wants you to study abroad. I want to be involved in the community that surrounds me (both SU and in the wider sense of Georgetown or Williamson County) and community service projects are built into the program. Basically, I decided to get into the Paideia program because I thought that it would make me a better, more devoted person through the process of having a group of people not only to share my struggles during college with, but with whom I share a common bond and can actually understand those struggles and hopefully, the ways in which they relate to the nuances in my personality. 

I probably just spouted forth the Paideia handbook on "goals" for the program, but seeing as I haven't even opened it yet, it's not plagiarism....haha (that was a joke). I want this blog to be both eye-openingly honest and readable. And hopefully it will be funny, but not for those of you who do not enjoy sarcasm, because it is basically part of my speech now. First blog entry, done.

If I know you, thanks for reading. If I don't, QUIT CREEPING!
Thanks and have a great day,



Dr. G said...

Brady, Thanks for your post; I hope we can help you meet your goals. :-)
Signed, Not-a-Creep (Dr. G)

Metro Coyote said...

don't feel badly, I haven't cracked open the handbook yet either -- but then again I usually don't. Instructions bore me -- I like figuring things out for myself :p (is that pigheaded, or what? lol)